Over 1000 businesses using Social Genie can’t be wrong...
Increase sales up to 50% by harnessing the power of social media advertising
Try Social Genie free for 14 days and enjoy award winning social media content produced for your social media sites daily
1. Complete our sign up form.
2. We'll be in touch for additional details
3. Use our Facebook pug-in to safely link up your social media pages
4. Sit back, relax and let Social Genie get to work sending customers to you everyday!
Grow your orders with Social Genie today
Watch our short video to learn how Social Genie can positively impact your restaurant or takeaway business
1000+ takeaways are already seeing the benefit of Social Genie. We produce social media content for 1000’s of businesses in the restaurant and takeaway industry. Increasing sales and allowing them to concentrate on the running of their business.
"The main appeal of Social Genie for me was the ability to direct customers to use my own website rather than national apps. After just a few weeks of using Social Genie, I've noticed more customers ordering directly, resulting in fewer orders through other channels. This means I keep more of the order value and pay much less in commission each week."
AmoreNorth- East
"As a multi-site owner, I often lacked the time to produce social media content for my businesses. While searching for High Street Social Media Management Agencies, which were charging hundreds of pounds per month, I discovered Social Genie and couldn't believe how affordable it was. I've now been using Social Genie for several months. They consistently provide excellent-quality content daily, allowing me to focus more on running my business."
Subway FranchiseeNorth-West
"I've been searching for a way to advertise to customers in my local town for some time, but I wasn't familiar with how to use Facebook. Social Genie appeared to provide the solution I was looking for. Since using their services, I've witnessed a significant increase in sales, particularly during the week, as they promote my mid-week specials every Wednesday!"
Papa’z Piri Piri Scotland
"I learned about Social Genie from a local business owner and decided to take advantage of the 14-day free trial. After nearly a 6 months of use, I am impressed by the quality and reliability of the content. My takeaway now ranks at the top of Google in the local area, ensuring I stay ahead of the competition."
Tasty BitesNorth London